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Analysis of the surveys
HON's survey tools allow you to analyse the results of our surveys according to your needs and your Web browser.

General results of all questions from all surveys:
Raw data
(Perl tools)
Raw data
(Java tools)
Data analysed by HON
Winter 04/05 see raw data for thi
s survey  
  • Analysis of 9th HON Survey of Health and Medical Internet Users
  • May/Jun 02 see raw data for thi
s survey  
  • Excerpt of the 8th HON's Survey of Health and Medical Internet Users
  • Results of USA and Europe
  • Feb/Mar 01 see raw data for this survey  
  • Trends for medical Internet usage
  • May/Jul 00 see raw data for this survey  
  • Healthcare professionals' experience of the medical Net
  • Oct/Nov 99 see raw data for this survey see raw data for this survey with this java tool Oct/
Nov 99 - see analysed data by HON Summary
    Mar/Apr 99 see raw data for this survey see raw data for this survey with this java tool Mar/Apr 99 - see analysed data by HON Summary
    May/Jun 98 see raw data for this survey see raw data for this survey with this java tool May/Jun 98 - see analysed data by HON Article presented at MEDNET'98
    Aug/Sep 97 see raw data for this survey see raw data for this survey with this java tool
    Feb/Mar 97 see raw data for this survey see raw data for this survey with this java tool

    Attention: If you want richer, more detailed results from our survey data, please register for your exclusive interactive analysis program. This offer is entirely free and without obligation. Our tool will allow you to select specific topics and user-categories and compare results across surveys.

    The HON Foundation conducts these surveys as a public service. All the results are available on-line under certain terms and conditions. Health On the Net Foundation hopes that the results of these surveys will help HON and other medical websites meet the needs of the Net community more effectively.




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    Last modified: Mon Oct 3 2005